Tuesday, July 1, 2014

My life is but an open book

My name is A. I have 17 years, blood tipe -O and a pisces. You know, in Japan they always ask that in high school; it supposely says a lot about a person's personality. Well, back to my self-introduction. I'm an adrenaline junkie, I do anything that makes my veins flow faster. I try not to worry my mom that much (and I do a great job at it) and make sure never to do things that are that dangerous -I mean, I'm barely 17, I have a whole life ahead of me- so it's all cool. I used to be quite normal, just another face in the crowd (still am sometimes). But as soon as I got into high school that slowly started changing, and no, I didn't become a popular cheerleader or a genious to get noticed; my school is quite small so everybody knows everybody. Yet, when I got into high school new students came along with the new year. There was absolutely no hot guy that I didn't know since kindergarten (my school is an escalator one) and it'd be so very awkward to date one of them. I mean, come on, you saw them in diapers and got to see them in their worst years aka puberty. So yeah, those are no-no for me. Anyway... As I was saying, no hot guys who I could go for so I got extremely happy. No heartbreaks for me! YIPEE! Except I did fall in love and I felt deep, so very deep. That's why I started this blog. Because of him. So I could write about him and hoping someone will read and understand, without having to worry about who that reader will be, how he will or won't judge me.

My life is but an open book. It wasn't a one-sided love, it never was. When I started to like him he already liked me, so it started smoothly. I met him on my French class, I was on the advance course and he was on the beginner's one. French, in my school, was an optional class after school and I took it since I had to stay either way for basketball and soccer pratice, depending on the day. The advance class was on a different day from his but I decided to also get into the beginner's one to reforce my basic knowledge. My teacher had taught me before in junior high so I was well acquainted with him and got on well. I was always his favorite since French was quite easy for me and believe me, on classes where everybody works and you're just lazying around without being told off for it, well you don't really have a reason to nag or get angry.

I got into both courses and enjoyed them, always taking a French book with me to read in the beginner course, the teacher's recommendation. I would sit at the very front right corner and read my book silently while the class went on. At first nobody payed any attention to me since they knew I had no big reason to be there. That is, until he noticed me. He started sitting always near me, to my left or behind me. He would whisper in my ear and then was scolded by the teacher for not paying attention. I miss those times. We started saying that we were husband and wife out of boredom and that was all it took to get us closer. He would visit my class looking for me, cover my eyes and whisper "Who is it?". As if I didn't know, as if I couldn't recognize his voice. My cheeks would go tomato red and he simply laughed. I'd get butterflies in my stomach as soon as I saw him. My eyes always followed him. 

The months passed and suddenly he stopped talking to me, he didn't visit me anymore and it felt like those butterflies were slowly suffocating me. I felt hollow. I felt like a sword had been stabbed again and again in my chest and the wound was to deep to close. That was the first time I had ever been in love. The first time I actually felt like I needed someone. Being as stupid as I was, I became depressed. I stopped talking to my friends and said I was too tired everytime they asked if I was alright. And it wasn't a lie, I was tired of feeling like that. Tired of expecting something that was never going to happen. I just didn't know what to do (and I know it's stupid to get depressed over a boy but, as I said, I was stupid). I took a small knife and left a small cut over my left arm, too small to get noticed. I did it time after time until small drops of blood came out. And I was happy, not because of what I was doing but because I felt something even if that something was pain.

Time passed and the cuts didn't grow deeper but they grew in number. I stopped wearing short sleeves but in the rare occasions that I forgot my sweater, nobody noticed the scars. I would wake up and look at myself in the mirror and hate my reflection because of what I had become but I couldn't stop the blade, I coulnd't stop my mind from going crazy. I stopped eating for as long as I could, a single day was more than enough. When I ate I only had a max of 500 calories and if I went over it I would throw up to make up for it. I WAS DESPICABLE. I didn't feel like myself, I was lost inside my own body. I used to laugh so much in junior high and in high school I had almost forgotten the feeling you get when you laugh so hard your stomach hurts. 

I was lost. 

I wanted someone to find me and tell me I was important but nobody did. My mom noticed I was becoming pale and thinner so she asked me if there was something wrong. I said no. I said no because something wasn't wrong, I was wrong and I knew it. I knew how much I had changed. My best friend isn't in my school, he left to another one so I couldn't talk to him like I normally did. I just felt out of it. 

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